Wednesday, July 29, 2009

... sunrise ...


I woke up in early shrine,
I breathe the air smooth and fine
To jog around is so nice
Once the early sun will rise

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hum014-What is Literature and why is it important?

hmMmm .. literature ... yes! .. literature .. well, Literature, according to Terry Eagleton, is an "imaginative" writing in the sense of fiction -writing which is not literally true. But he said that even the briefest reflection on what people commonly include under the heading of literature suggests that this will not do.

For me, understanding literature, well not specifically, but in a way, talks about the history and life of different authors. Because by studying it, we may get different datas about how these authors became successful and most of all, famous in their works. We may get a little bit of knowledge about what happened in their lives. And by these informations, we will somehow be able to apply it in our daily lives or make it an inspiration for us that not only them can do great things, but also us normal individuals can achieve these great knowledge that the great authors in the world possess.